This year’s third grade African Dance performance marked the 21st anniversary of the African Dance program at Westtown and the partnership with Jeannine Osayande and the Dunya Performing Arts Company! The African Dance performance is a culmination of an extensive unit of study on the continent of Africa and its countries, cultures, and arts and a six-week residency of Osayande and the Dunya Performing Arts Company (DunyaPAC) during which they teach students West African dances and Capoeira. Osayande, Dunya PAC, and the drummers are professional performers whose mission is to teach children about African culture and its diaspora. During Osayande’s and DunyaPAC’s residency, third grade teachers Vicki Shelter and Kristin Hayman lead the students through this exploration of the countries of Africa, and art teacher Kelly Nicholson worked with students on creating their batik costumes while learning about West African adinkra symbols. Third graders did an excellent job in their performance, and so did parents and teachers, who joined in the dancing at the end of the show. Enjoy the gallery of photos here!