Metal Moose Earns Engineering Inspiration Award, Heads to Worlds

At the FIRST Robotics competition at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, the Metal Moose robotics team was awarded the Engineering Inspiration Award from FIRST Robotics. This award is given to the team that has the highest impact on its school and outside community. The Metal Moose does outreach on campus with Lower School, and at Admission and alums events. Coach Steve Compton notes, “The school impact of our team is clear—we attract students to Westtown based on the reputation of the team, and we do outreach work with second grade Space day, admissions tours, and events on Alums Day. We have created a welcoming ecosystem that allows girls and students of color to find their place and thrive. Each year the team comprises between 10%-15% of the total Upper School students body.”

Off campus, the team works with Camp Dreamcatcher and Kendal Crosslands Communities to teach Lego robotics and to create lasting bonds between students and those they work with. They are also working with the government of Bermuda to get FIRST Robotics Lego supplies to teachers in their primary schools. Compton adds that the team is developing Women in STEM program will partners with leading women in science.

Congratulations to the Metal Moose—Team 1391—for earning this prestigious award, and for all its work within our school and community!

And further congratulations are in order: The Metal Moose qualified once again for the FIRST World Championship tournament in Houston, Texas, with a ranking of 77 among 3800 teams worldwide. GO, METAL MOOSE!!