Make Your Gift

Westtown students, faculty, staff and community depend on the generosity of alumni/ae/x, parents, grandparents and friends to help provide a Westtown education that “inspires and prepares its graduates to be stewards and leaders of a better world.” No matter what fund you give to or how much you give, Westtown thanks you for making a donation.

Westtown Fund

The Westtown Fund supports operations during the current school year. This school year, you can donate to the Westtown Fund and designate your gift to one of the following areas:

  • Arts
  • Athletics
  • Building an Anti-Bias, Anti-Racist (ABAR) Community
  • Campus Care
  • Faculty Support
  • Financial Aid
  • Full-Access
  • Technology
  • Area of Greatest Need.

Click here to find out more about each designation.

Make a Gift to the Westtown Fund

Endowed Fund

Westtown School has over 107 individual endowed funds. Click here to learn more about endowed funds.

Make a Gift to an Endowed Fund Make a Gift to a Faith and Practice Fund Make a Gift to the Full Access Fund

Reunion Class Giving

Classes celebrating their milestone reunions may choose to give to the Westtown Fund or to a specific fund decided on by the class. Click here for more information on reunion class giving.

Make a Gift to the Westtown Fund

Pledge Payment Online Form

Looking to make a payment on a pledge? Please use this donation form to ensure that your payment is correctly applied.

Interested in making a stock gift?  Send these stock transfer instructions to your stock broker.

Questions? Contact Zoe Marshall, Advancement Services Assistant, at 610-399-7923 or