
  • Tips on Managing The Teen Mood Swing

    Tips on Managing The Teen Mood Swing

    When your teenager is grumpy, monosyllabic and irritable, do you find yourself taking it personally, and then, perhaps, even confronting them about it only to find it may have made things worse? Please keep in mind that their grouchiness almost always has nothing to do with you. The answer is Read more
  • 6 Painless Ways to Stop Controlling Your Teen

    6 Painless Ways to Stop Controlling Your Teen

    Some parents find it downright liberating when their teenagers become increasingly independent. Others find it unsettling, even threatening. Parents who crave control of their teenager often discover that allowing their teens to experience the world on their own is terrifying. However, developmentally, it is important to slowly hand over control Read more
  • Design Thinking…Empathy in Action

    Design Thinking…Empathy in Action

    Empathy and action are at the heart of Quaker education. These attributes are also central to design thinking (DT), where students are asked to discover and understand needs, and then collaborate to meet them. They are asked to empathize, to interview, to dig deeper, and to ask Why? or How Read more
  • Holiday Shopping: What to Give and Why

    Holiday Shopping: What to Give and Why

    We have all faced the question: Do I buy the latest item on the top of my child's list? Often the must-have toy is quickly discarded.  To shift away from this season's craze and give gifts that outlast the fads, here are a few insights which might help you evaluate Read more
  • Teenagers: Who Are They?

    Teenagers: Who Are They?

    There are many advantages to getting older, and I am actually a big fan of this, my fifth, decade because I can boldly say, “In over 30 years of working with teenagers...” and feel like I finally have the expertise to express opinions without any official statistics. So, here goes: Read more
  • Vote for Books!

    Vote for Books!

    Election seasons are good opportunities for conversations about democracy and politics with your children. As your family talks about the upcoming election, consider children's books that answer questions about a complicated process, provide open discussion about the importance of voting, or offer a light-hearted look at the office of the Read more
  • 10 Tips to Help Your Student Avoid the Academic “Summer Slide”

    10 Tips to Help Your Student Avoid the Academic “Summer Slide”

    As parents, we try to protect our children with immunizations, sunscreen, bicycle helmets, seat belts, and good health habits. But what can we do to prevent “summer slide” - academic loss that occurs over the summer-  and instead, foster “summer gain?” Research shows that leisure reading is the best predictor Read more
  • Climate Change: Another Chance to Lead by Example

    Climate Change: Another Chance to Lead by Example

    It seems we are always trying to find a balance between what we want to remain the same and what we want to change. On one hand there are traditions, habits, and rituals and on the other there are research, knowledge and data that  encourages us to modify our habits. Read more
  • Problem Solving for Parents

    Problem Solving for Parents

    As parents, we are quick to see the problems in our day-to-day life and even quicker to articulate a solution or how something should be done. And yet, when we point out the problem and the solution all in one breath, we are getting in the way of our children Read more
  • Teenagers: They are Hardier Than We Think

    Teenagers: They are Hardier Than We Think

    Our teenagers are hardier than we give them credit for. Hardiness, resilience, grit, and tenacity are qualities we know our teenagers need to possess in order to succeed in a competitive world. But often we act in ways that interrupt the growth of these vital characteristics. When we overreact to Read more