Calling All Alums

Want to share what’s new with you? Submit a class note! You can tell us if you have moved; or, maybe, you have a new job or are enjoying your retirement. Perhaps you’ve earned a new academic degree, taken up a new hobby, gotten married, or marked a new milestone in your life. Whatever your news, we want to hear about it! And, we know your classmates would love it, too. Class Notes help keep Westonians around the world connected. Submit your note today! We are currently collecting notes for the next issue of The Westonian magazine – please make your submissions by July 1, 2022.

Alums Weekend 2022 Is Almost Here!

Each day Alums Weekend draws closer, and we are more excited than ever! Our team has been working hard to ensure that this will be the biggest celebration of Westtown alums since the 1999 Bicentennial. Visit the Alums Weekend website for the most up-to-date information about the weekend, including registration information, a tentative agenda, hotel details, contact information, and more. We cannot wait to see you all back on campus soon!!

Alums Weekend 2022

Each day, Alums Weekend draws closer, and we are more excited than ever! Our team has been working hard to ensure that this will be the biggest celebration of Westtown alums since the 1999 Bicentennial. While we are still working on all the details, we are eager to share our first-ever Alums Weekend Website with you:

Visit The Alums Weekend Website

Consider this website the Alums Weekend home base. Here you will find the most up-to-date information about the Weekend, including registration information, a tentative agenda, hotel details, contact information, and more. Although registration will not open until January 2022, we encourage you to save this link and check back often as we continue to finalize the weekend itinerary. We cannot wait to see you all back on campus next May!

Calling All Alums!

Want to share what’s new with you? Submit a class note! You can tell us if you have moved; or, maybe, you have a new job or are enjoying your retirement. Perhaps you’ve earned a new academic degree, taken up a new hobby, gotten married, or marked a new milestone in your life. Whatever your news, we want to hear about it. And, we know your classmates would love it, too. Class Notes help keep Westonians around the world connected. Submit your note today!

Cope Environmental Center Receives Living Building Certification

Congratulations are in order for the Cope family, generations of whom are Westonians. Founded by James B. ’39 and Helen Cope in 1992, the Cope Environmental Center’s Environmental Education building has received Living Building certification from the International Living Future Institute. The Institute describes living buildings as “regenerative buildings that connect occupants to light, air, food, nature, and community; self-sufficient and remain within the resource limits of their site; and, create a positive impact on the human and natural systems that interact with them.” Learn more about the criteria here. Located in Centerville, Indiana, the Cope Environmental Center building is just the 29th building in the world to be granted this special and rare certification. The Cope Environmental Center and it’s Living Building Certification are the legacy of a couple who devoted their lives to environmentalism. As daughter Marianne Cope ’67 says in this piece in Richmond, Indiana’s Palladium Item, “It just brings tears to my eyes, and my parents would be just astounded and pleased.”

All of Jim’s and Helen’s children were involved in this project from the beginning: June Cope Chidester ’65, Ed Cope ’66, Trish Cope ’73, Marianne Cope ’67, and Marie Cope Nicholson ’72. Marie shares, “We are so excited about the whole project and want to spread the news!” She adds that another Westtown alum is familiar with Living Buildings as well ― Peter Doo ’71, a LEED architect who won a Living Futures Hero Award in 2016. “We spoke with Peter Doo at the very beginning [of this project] when we first learned of Living Buildings.” Once again, we share our congratulations with the Cope family on this incredible and important achievement.

Celebrating the Class of 2020 – Again! 

We were thrilled to invite the Class of 2020 — who had a virtual Commencement at the time — back to campus in June! This celebration included the traditional procession into the Greenwood, class photo, plaque dedication, and other special activities for them and their families. You can find more information about this celebration in the next issue of The Westonian, and enjoy the complete gallery of photos here.

Alums Weekend 2022  

In May, we welcomed alums back to campus for Alums Weekend for the first time since 2019. It was wonderful to see old friends reconnect with each other and the school,  to see a full theater for the Westtown Alumni Association Annual meeting, and to witness the traditional roll call of classes. Look for the Alums Weekend and reunion recaps in the next issue of The Westonian.  In the meantime, please enjoy the gallery of photos from the weekend here, and the gallery of reunion class photos here!