Kicking off the New School Year

We were fortunate, and it seemed fitting, to have a beautiful day when we gathered as a whole school to celebrate the start of the year! Students, faculty, and staff assembled in the Greenwood for our Opening-of-School Assembly. Head of School Chris Benbow kicked off the festivities, then our Student Body Presidents—seniors Zaria Johnson, Kien Dang, and Olivia Bley—led the crowd in cheers. Finally, Benbow led the traditional roll call of the classes to great fanfare. There was even a special appearance by the moose! Check out the photos here.

Moving Up!

On Wednesday, June 7, eighth grade families gathered in the theater for the Eighth Grade Closing Ceremony. After an essay reading by Jamila Burgos ’27 and words from Principal Will Addis, students were presented with their certificates. As they rose to receive their certificates, recordings of each students’ reflections on their time in Middle School were shared. Congratulations to our rising ninth graders!  Enjoy the entire gallery of photos from the closing ceremony here.

Congratulations, Class of 2023!

Group photo of the Class of 2023

On a lovely, sunny June 10, the Class of 2023 received their diplomas in the Greenwood. This class of 98 graduates has joined our vast global network of alums, and we wish them well as they embark upon their next adventures!

We have created a page on our website where you can watch individual videos of our student essayists – Tara Kumar, Tyler Greenberg, Chloe Costa Baker – and Milo Salvucci, who was selected by the class to deliver the valedictory address. We invite you to watch the full Commencement ceremony below!

Please enjoy the photo galleries from Commencement and you can learn about the college destinations of members of the Class of 2023 in the gallery of photos of College Shirt Day. Take a moment to check them out!

Closing Meeting for Worship

On Thursday, June 8, Lower School students, families, and faculty gathered in the Meeting House for the Fifth Grade Closing Meeting for Worship—the Meeting to celebrate their graduation from Lower School. From the facing benches, each fifth grader stood and spoke about their time in Lower School, as is tradition, and families and teachers spoke out of the shared silence in the worship time that followed. Visit our gallery to see more photos from this special day! Congratulations to all our rising sixth graders!

The Giant: Celebrating 100 Years

Commissioned by the Class of 1910 in memory of classmate William C. Engle, N. C. Wyeth’s The Giant was presented to Westtown on Alumni Day, June 2, 1923. The painting reflects Engle’s love of the sea, childhood imagination, and the friendship between artist and subject. The children in the scene are Wyeth’s five children, with Engle represented by the young man in the white hat.

An artist himself, Engle attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia and later studied with N.C. Wyeth, living in Chadds Ford. He spent the summer of 1916 on a classmate’s family farm in West Branch, Iowa, in an attempt to recuperate from tuberculosis. That summer he painted three landscapes, which now hang in the Main Building. Unfortunately, Engle succumbed to tuberculosis later that year in November on his 25th birthday.

When William Engle came to Westtown in the fall of 1908, the only art class offered was freehand drawing. Engle always made time for his art, however. Westtown classmates later said that between classes he was always out with brush and palette, painting about the countryside. Fifteen years later, when The Giant arrived at Westtown in June 1923, George Whitney—student and friend of N. C. Wyeth—was completing his third year as the school’s director of fine arts and expanding the arts department. Bacon Cottage, which included new art studios with lots of natural light, was dedicated on the same day as The Giant.

Since The Giant came to live at Westtown 100 years ago, the fine arts program has greatly expanded. Today, Upper School students can choose from Intro to Studio Art: 2D and 3D; Drawing and Painting; Photography and Digital Art; Ceramics; Sculpture; Woodworking; and  Studio Art Forum. The Giant arrived at Westtown during a time when fine arts were gaining greater appreciation, and that has continued. However, you don’t need to be a student in art class to appreciate The Giant—it still hangs in the Dining Room for all to enjoy, and was restored last year to preserve it for generations to come. ~Chrissie Perella Clement, Westtown School Archivist 

At the Annual Meeting of the WAA Board, this film by Erik Freeland ’80 was screened. Please enjoy this lovely tribute piece to The Giant.

Community Dining on Campus: An Exciting New Project

Westtown School has unveiled its plan to create a new dining space on campus. “After several years of thoughtful work and careful discernment, we have made the decision to create a new community dining space on campus. While construction is still a few years out, I’d like to describe in broad brushstrokes our needs, process, and ultimate decision to build a free-standing dining space,” writes Head of School Chris Benbow.” Below, you will see an early vision of the new space as conceptualized by the talented and thoughtful team at SHoP. While these are only conceptual renderings and do not necessarily reflect what will be the final design, we hope they will give you a preliminary sense of the project. This free-standing space, situated just across the Central circle on the north side of the Main Building, will enable the entire Upper School (both students and adults) to enjoy meals at the same time, both building community and removing constraints from the daily schedule. The space will provide our dining services team with the facility they require to accommodate the variety of dietary needs of our students, while aspiring to the highest standards of sustainable practices. Additionally, the location of the new Dining Room will provide much-needed and accessible space for gatherings, celebrations, and meetings all year round. Detailed plans for the newly imagined facility (kitchen, dining, and outdoor space) are in their early stages and will evolve thoughtfully to ensure that both current and future needs are met.” You can learn many more details and read the entirety of Benbow’s message here.  

Below are renderings of the early vision of this community dining space as conceptualized by the team at SHoP.

Metal Moose Motors To Worlds

After the FIRST Robotics game was revealed on January 7, the Metal Moose robotics team got to work designing and constructing their robot. After many iterations and trials, they landed on their final designs. These systems combined to form “BAMI,” their robot for the 2023 FRC Season.

At their first competition in March, over thirty members of the team participated in a 3-day district qualifying competition. They were finalists (losing the tiebreaker in a close match), came home with two performance trophies, and qualified for the district championship. They won the Autonomous Award for the robot that best integrates environment sensing with robot performance through programming; the other award recognized their ascent to the finals.

On a weekend in early April, there was another 33-hour marathon event and the Metal Moose won the competition as well as the Excellence in Engineering Award for “design elegance and engineering robustness, performance, and full-machine integration.” They were ranked 8th in their district and 88th in the world among 3,297 teams. The intense work, focused collaboration, and iterative progress these students have taken this year now place the Metal Moose in the top 3% in the world.

By the end of the district championship, they had moved up to 7th in the district, 87th in the United States, and won the Quality Award which “celebrates machine robustness in concept, design and fabrication. Building the robot is only part of their success and the judges recognize them as a quality example to others.” This performance also qualified them for the FIRST [For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology] World Championships once again and they headed for Houston. After three exciting days, Team 1391 and their alliance partners made it into the semi-finals, where they performed well but ultimately did not qualify for the finals. Now back home,  finishing in the top 7% of all teams in the world, the team is meeting to review the year, identify systems for improvement, and set goals for next year, which include aspirations for another trip to the World Championship in 2024. Well, done, Metal Moose!

Check out the galleries of student photos from their competitions here!

New Partnership!

Westtown School and Christa Barfield, owner and operator of FarmerJawn Agriculture, are proud to announce a new partnership. Effective January 1, 2023, Barfield will lease 123 acres of the school’s campus to create an organic farm with an unconventional model.

Both stewardship of the land and the educational potential of Westtown’s 600 acres has long been a focus of the school. This intentional work is prioritized in the school’s Strategic Vision alongside a commitment to fostering equity, access, inclusion, and belonging.  

A portion of the school’s land has been leased for farming use since 1996. Upon the announcement of current farmer Pete Flynn’s retirement, the school began a search for a partner with a commitment to a reciprocal, regenerative, and restorative relationship with the land. The school created a Farmland Task Force and commenced a months-long search for a mission-aligned partner. Head of School Chris Benbow shares, “The task force was impressed by Barfield’s experience, approach, and strong alignment with the school’s mission and Strategic Vision and is pleased to invite her to campus as our new partner.”  

Barfield is a dynamic entrepreneur and a passionate advocate for healthy, organic food and for regenerative farming practices, with a vision to restore access to farmland and farming for Black farmers. She currently operates two Philadelphia-area businesses—FarmerJawn Agriculture and Viva Tea Leaf. Her organization includes a retail and garden learning center in Germantown, a community-supported agriculture (CSA) business, and five acres of farmland in Elkins Park.  Barfield shares, “FarmerJawn is excited to expand our regional network to Westtown School to create a just food system that perpetuates regenerative and organic health for people and the planet.

Barfield will farm half the land and use it to stock the farm market already located on the premises. The farm market will operate under a new name and will eventually include a CSA, prepared foods, and other locally grown and sourced products. The remaining acreage will become a “farming incubator,” comprising five ten-acre cooperative farms operated by a cohort of Black farmers. This incubator model will offer educational development opportunities and a “pathway to entrepreneurship” via sales at the farm market.

Moving Up!

On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, eighth grade families gathered in the theater for the Eighth Grade Closing Ceremony. Each student was presented with a certificate and a “SPARK jar.” SPARK—an acronym for Spirit, Participation, Academic Excellence, Respect, and Kindness— represents important community values. Each jar was filled with slips of paper with messages from faculty, family members, and friends honoring their unique gifts. As the students were presented with their certificates and SPARK jars, recordings of each students’ reflection on their time in Middle School were shared.  Enjoy the entire gallery of photos from the closing ceremony here. On Thursday, June 9, 2022, families, Lower School students, and faculty gathered in the Meeting House for the Fifth Grade Closing Meeting for Worship— the Meeting to celebrate their graduation from Lower School. From the facing benches, each fifth grader stood and spoke about their time in Lower School, as is tradition, and families and teachers spoke out of the shared silence in the worship time that followed. Visit our gallery to see more photos from this special day! Congratulations to all our students who are moving on to the next phase of their academic careers!

Congratulations to the Class of 2022! 

On June 11, 2022, the Class of 2022 received their diplomas in the Greenwood and joined our vast, global network of alums. You can see videos of the student speakers, photo galleries, and learn about their college destinations on this page of our website. Take a moment to check it out! Watch the full Commencement ceremony below.